Body Image and Self-Esteem

Challenging Unrealistic Standards

Muhammad Awais
Counter Arts
4 min readJun 8, 2023


Photo by Anna Shvets

Today, I am going to tell you something very common among us. Whenever we enter the world of social media, we see people with flawless body shapes, going to outstanding places, and eating something different each day.

The real problems begin when we start to compare ourselves with them and as results damage our self-esteem.

After that, we start to doubt ourselves and this is just the beginning.

I see many people do crazy things to make their bodies look thin and eat what they don’t like.

I wonder why we do this.

The Problem

Body image is intimately related to self-esteem since it influences how we perceive and feel about ourselves.

People who have poor body image tend to see their bodies critically and judgmentally, focusing on perceived flaws and failings.

This continual self-criticism can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-worth, and a distorted sense of self. Society’s artificial beauty standards contribute to this negative body image, as people compare themselves to these norms and believe they fall short.

As a result, individuals have low self-esteem because they believe they are not attractive or desirable enough. Individuals with a favorable body image, on the other hand, have higher self-esteem.

This happened to me many times in the past and I felt unattractive. I used to do stuff that is embarrassing when I remember now.

Photo by Andrew Neel

The cause

I was very upset with a constant feeling of unattractiveness. Then my friend told me that:

“In this society, everyone is attracted to the glittering effect.”

We are continuously bombarded with edited photos of beautiful models and celebrities, from social media platforms to glossy magazines, causing us to assume that their bodies are the pinnacle of beauty.

These photos frequently promote a limited concept of attractiveness, stressing unrealistic body shapes, proportions, and faultless features that are out of reach for the majority of individuals.

The constant pursuit of these unattainable beauty standards can be damaging to our self-esteem.

We begin to feel inadequate and acquire a negative body image when we constantly compare ourselves to these idealized ideals. This unfavorable impression of our bodies can result in various mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.


The effect

Low self-esteem impacted my mental state, including feelings of melancholy, worry, and worthlessness.

I frequently battle self-doubt, continuously doubting my talents and feeling inadequate in numerous aspects of life.

This poor self-perception stifles my progress and impedes me from following my dreams and goals. Low self-esteem can make it difficult to build and sustain healthy connections in social situations.

Individuals may believe they are unworthy of love, approval, or belonging, which can lead to social retreat, isolation, and a fear of rejection.

Furthermore, low self-esteem can contribute to a negative cycle of self-destructive behaviors, as individuals may engage in self-destructive habits, such as substance abuse or toxic relationships, to cope with their feelings of worthlessness.

Overall, poor self-esteem can hurt one’s quality of life and prevent them from realizing their maximum potential.

Photo by Julian Jagtenberg

The solution

In the end, I realized that these pictures are not even real. People use filters and editors to make it more appealing and to gain followers and likes.

Then I started to ignore these things, I said to myself:

“My life is mine and I will enjoy it without getting affected by this glittering effect.”

One of the steps in confronting unreasonable standards is to recognize their negative influence on our self-esteem.

Recognize that these photographs have been severely modified and only represent a very narrow definition of beauty. Remember that true beauty comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and forms.

Practice self-compassion by being nice and accepting of oneself. Respect and appreciate your body for its strength, resilience, and unique qualities.

Keep in mind that your worth as a person goes much beyond your physical beauty. Limit your exposure to media that sets unrealistic ideals by diversifying your media consumption.

Look for many portrayals of beauty and body positivity. Follow body-positive influencers, activists, and content creators who promote self-acceptance and appreciate all body shapes.

Remember, your worth is not determined by your appearance, but by the unique qualities and contributions you bring to the world.

If you find this article helpful or if you have any concerns regarding this topic, let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading!



Muhammad Awais
Counter Arts

Passionate Writer | Seeker of Truth | Storyteller