Bring on the Moomins Revolution

Maybe becoming Moominists will save us

Bill Crandall
Counter Arts


Rovaniemi, Finland

It’s said that some photographers photograph the world as it is, and some as they wish it could be. I tend to fall somewhat more into the latter category. I believe in being a truth-teller but I do follow my enchantments.

During a month-long artist residency in northern Finland some years ago, I was charmed not just by the magical, nonstop midsummer light of late June. My enchantment was also due to finding myself in the land of certain storybook heroes.

As I wrote then about the photos I made along the way:

I am always most interested in the undercurrents of a place. In Finland I encountered subtle contrasts of dream and reality, past and present, modern and rustic, warm and cold, and shadow and light. The light has a primal effect on both the psyche and physiology, with a dizzying vitality and presence of its own. Yet it seems to never fully banish the blue palette of the Great North. The pervasive blue is like the menacing Groke in Tove Jansson’s lyrical…



Bill Crandall
Counter Arts

Photographer and educator. Exploring how art and stories can take us forward. Carrying the fire.