Confessions of The Saucy Kind

Time for a February prompt.

Sadie Seroxcat
Counter Arts


Photo by mostafa mahmoudi on Unsplash

How did this happen?! It’s February already folks!

Best get to prompting then!

I know that the ‘usual’ for this month runs to pinks and reds; roses and chocolate; dinner and dancing; movie and coffee; ‘Netflix&Chill’….but not here at Counter Arts!! Nope!

Put away your sweet stories of meeting your SO (significant other), first puppy love and celebrity crushes (or, write about those too, just not as a response to this particular prompt. Keep the writing coming!).

This month, I want to to take a trip to the seamier, steamier, sexier side.

To be clear: my intentions for introducing ‘sex’ as the general topic for our monthly prompt are far from seedy or salacious.

My belief is that the subjects of bodies, sex and sexuality are things which should be dragged, firmly and in their entirety out of the closet marked ‘taboo’ and out into the bright, sunshiny, open air.

I honestly believe that the more open we can all be about these things, the better it will be for everyone.

Children should be taught about their own bodies and see other bodies from an early age, being told the real names given to…



Sadie Seroxcat
Counter Arts

Essays & Poetry. Chronic illness. Mental Health. Literature. Boost Nominator. 'Counter Arts', ‘Rainbow Salad’ & 'Seroxcat's Salon'