Do You Need to Change Yourself? Decadente, Wynn, and New Philosophy of Psychology.

Have you been defeated by your own mind? Life is difficult for many, but according to psychologists it is you who needs to change.

Jess the Avocado
Counter Arts


Joven Decadente, Ramon Casas

I touched my skull — just right behind the ear — and found the texture discomforting. Am I getting dandruff again? So, I try probing better, peeling away to reveal (or create) a rush.

The Joven Decadente is a painting of a woman exhausted after having danced too much. Needless to say, I did not interpret it correctly the first time I saw it, half an hour ago. Interesting as fainting by dance is a common feature of the folklore of Puglia, where I ‘come from’. But I digress. Possibly influenced by the topic of the video where I saw the painting, and projections from my own life experiences, I thought the painting was about a woman so pressed by life that she fell under its weight. In other words, a depressed, lost in existential thoughts, young woman. Indeed, I have found myself in such positions many times.

The painting, and the last part of the video — The Hunger, by ContraPoints, real name Natalie Wynn — came at a very ideal moment in my life as they are representative of my internal struggles, as well as in line with the question posted by…

