Done with the Expectations

Expect from me, only if you believe in me….

Ashik Venkat
Counter Arts
3 min readJul 5, 2023


“When you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment”-Ryan Reynolds

We frequently encounter varied requests and expectations from others in our daily lives. Expectations are everywhere, from the pencil we buy to the person we care for. We expect a pen to write well and we expect a person to take care of us in a better way; we expect a person to do the assignment well in a job. There seems to be an underlying understanding that certain obligations should be met by each person, whether it be at work, in relationships, or our social groups. But what happens when the roles are reversed and those expectations aren’t met? This article examines the idea of establishing boundaries and defending oneself when confronted with unjustified expectations.

“Expectations are everywhere….”

Humans have a natural tendency to assist others and fulfill their wants. We frequently go above and above to assist, support, or carry out activities that are asked of us. This eagerness to help others results, in the high bar we set, from feelings of empathy and compassion as well as a desire to improve the harmony in our interpersonal interactions. But eventually, this openness might be exploited, which can cause feelings of bitterness, tiredness, and a lack of personal agency.

The phrase, “Don’t expect me to do things that you cannot” sums up the requirement for a fair and equal exchange in any relationship or engagement. It serves as a reminder that expectations should be reasonable and that if one party frequently disobeys the terms of the agreement, the other party has only the right to reevaluate their degree of commitment. There are limitations everywhere, even with expectations.

Setting limits is crucial for sustaining our well-being and healthy relationships. It is an act of self-preservation and self-respect rather than selfishness. We may convey our wants, restrictions, and expectations to others by setting up clear boundaries. This way, we can make sure that our requirements are satisfied and that we are not being taken advantage of.

Open and honest communication is essential when dealing with circumstances where expectations are not being met. Share your worries, describe your viewpoint, and talk about how the present dynamic is affecting you. The other person might not even be conscious of the effect their actions (or inaction) are having on you. By starting a conversation, you give the relationship a chance for growth, understanding, and compromise. A relationship is a bond where we are free to communicate and express our expectations. If we cannot express our expectations to the other half then there is no meaning to it.

“Low expectations = Happiness”

However, there may be situations in which dialogue is insufficient to resolve the issue. In these situations, it is important to assess the relationship’s general dynamics to see if it is stable and healthy. Recognising when a relationship is poisonous or one-sided may be difficult, but it is an act of self-care. Distancing ourselves from people who repeatedly breach their obligations or refuse to treat us with respect is sometimes the best course of action.

The saying “Don’t expect me to do things that you cannot” ultimately acts as a reminder to put our well-being first and to defend ourselves when confronted with unjustified expectations. It motivates us to assess the degree of reciprocity in our relationships and to set up limits that safeguard our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

So, keep in mind that you have the right to say no, set boundaries, and look for relationships that are based on mutual respect and understanding the next time you find yourself dealing with unfair expectations or feeling overburdened by the demands placed upon you. You open the door for better, more meaningful friendships and a stronger feeling of self-worth by respecting your own needs and expectations.



Ashik Venkat
Counter Arts

Author, Survivor, Creator, Human like everybody in here 😉