Equality Prompt: Class Division, Endless Unrest and… Art?

Reece Beckett
Counter Arts
Published in
9 min readNov 13, 2021


(I’m a fan of rule of three titles, in case it isn’t apparent already)

Note: Thanks to Squeeze the Avocado for this prompt! Looking forward to the variety of answers. Also a trigger warning, as this essay does include talk about suicidal ideation and mental health issues. I don’t think it’s graphic, but some may disagree. It does have a positive ending, I promise.

Picture taken and edited by the author.

“Our very success as a species is rooted in our ability to be aware of each other’s needs, to notice each other’s pain and to experience deeply felt physiological and emotional empathy.”

— Kae Tempest, On Connection

Whilst reading this prompt, as usual, my mind started shooting off in a thousand different directions wondering what would be best to talk about and discuss. Do I go for a topic I’m not so familiar with? Or is that wrong of me to do, better left to those who are familiar? After some brief thought (my excitement still got the better of me), the music I had playing and the books lined up on my windowsill seemed to both reach across the room and give me a gentle slap in the face, and my thoughts came together all at once. The primary idea was to focus on thing I know on a personal level and am deeply passionate about, as it just seems right for a prompt regarding activism and whatnot, so, if you’re…



Reece Beckett
Counter Arts

Film/music critic and poet. New articles every Mon, Thurs & Sat. Poetry on Sundays! Contact: reecebeckett2002@gmail.com https://linktr.ee/reecebeckett