Fantasy, Imagination and A Chair

The legendary dangers of the streets of London

Counter Arts
2 min readOct 26, 2021


I wrote about my adventures of dog walking at night on the streets of London. They are dangerous, exciting and life-changing. The adventure and excitement are on every corner of old Victorian streets. The narrow unpaved roads, wild dogs and wild cats roaming the same paths looking for the next prey. Ferocious battles of wild animals and wild people. It’s dangerous and exciting at the same time.

Okay, okay. I am joking. All that you’ve just read is an imaginary world that exists only in my mind. There is no excitement or danger on the streets of the suburban town of London. I don’t live in Victorian times and the streets are paved. It’s rather boring. The same people at the same turn of the clock take their fat dogs for a walk. Same wanna be gangsters on electric scooters pushing weed. The same alcohol ridden faces in the same pubs. The same millionaires kicking the same ball on TV screens.

Middle age, autumn and upcoming totalitarian rule can be boring endeavours to bear.

I wrote this short piece and was ready to click on submit button and the panic set in my heart — “ what if they won’t understand, what if they will laugh at me?”

And then I realised, that is the point. I write whatever I like, the world doesn't make sense anymore why my stories should make sense?

In the film making, they say — “don’t tell, show”.

Hence the lonely chair in the middle of the street.

