Features I Wish Medium had

When I started sharing my stories on my other social media accounts, people asked me “what is Medium?”. I would answer that Medium is a simple and well-designed tool to publish articles.

Hamid Jafari
Counter Arts


Photo: Medium

I joined the Medium community seven months ago (in February 2022). At that time, it was an unknown platform to me, and I started to discover it. When I published my first article, I found one of my favorite publications after about 24 hours. I started to write stories and published them and simultaneously found relevant publications.

When I started sharing my stories on my other social media accounts, people asked me “what is Medium?”. I would answer that Medium is a simple and well-designed tool to publish articles. My experience in the last seven months tells me that Medium is a platform to spread ideas and information. Also, Medium writers and readers can find a lot of topics like self-improvement, programming, marketing, art, writing, news, etc. Bellow I would like to share some features that I wish medium had.

Story: Like stories on Instagram, shorts on YouTube, or fleet that used to be on Twitter, users on Medium can have a short-term content feature except that they would only be able to post text. For example, I wrote these lines…

