Finding Comfort in Hard Conversations

A different angle on communication in a marriage.

Zachary Hopkins
Counter Arts
3 min readMay 13, 2023


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

She’s probably right, but his pride gets in the way. He’s got a point, but she’s not gonna let him know that.

We all have some Achilles heel when it comes to communication. Especially in a marriage between people who are deeply connected.

Neither wants to hurt the others feelings. So things that should be brought up are not. Issues that were small hills turn into mountains. Super elevated and rocky dynamics that can’t be fixed. Unless the hard stuff is said.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

My wife and I have been married for almost a year now, but fully together for five. Let me tell you we have had some hard conversations. I’m not saying our relationship is perfect. No one’s relationship is perfect, but since we bring up the difficult topics our problems get squashed in a timely and natural manner.

I feel if people want to get closer to their significant other they have to dig into what makes the other tick. Not in the way of using it for their own gain, but to make sure that there is more of an understanding.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

All of this gets more important when there is a child involved. Due to the fact that everything you do and how each person interacts. The kid is going to be watching and studying how to be a person. The only people the child has to go off of are their parents. So it becomes crucial that the relationship gets stronger and more defined.

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Not saying couples can’t have fun conversations. Just that, when it is time for a serious one there is a time constraint until something blows up and the relationship comes out bruised in the end.

Let love grow and understand that it’s not an easy feat. With a little patience and hearing the other side out without interrupting. Things will fall into place. Fighting isn’t fun, but sometimes it’s necessary for more peace to come out the other side. While also finding that deeper connection everyone is scouring for.

Photo by Alonso Reyes on Unsplash



Zachary Hopkins
Counter Arts

Just a mind full of ideas finding a way out in stories.