Five Fantastic Watches I Would Never Own: Part I

Even if I had millions of dollars to spend, I’d struggle to add any of these fantastic watches to my collection

MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts


Credit: IWC Schaffhausen

Have you ever come across something that’s so close to perfection it irritates you? Almost as if someone’s trolling you very much on purpose, it’s a torture to see something so mesmerizing only to be ruined by a tiny flaw which can’t be ignored. Perhaps it’s childish (and downright ridiculous) of me to discard something so easily out of a single defect. Fortunately, I’m glad to say this happens to me only with watches.

So without further ado, I present to you 5 timepieces that come close to perfection for me but then had the indecency of screwing up a single detail so badly they ruined the whole thing for me. Although I’d gladly accept them as a gift (should you want to act kindly towards your humble writer, let me know so I can share with you my address), it would be hard to justify purchasing them with my own money. It just feels… wrong.

What are your almost perfect watches? Please, share them in the comments!

IWC Big Pilot 43 mm — It’s too big



MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts

Movies. Video Games. Watches. If you are passionate about any of these, I guarantee I’ll piss you off at least once.