Flip It. Flip It Good.

A smartphone is a miracle — which is why it is ruining everything

Bill Crandall
Counter Arts


Timisoara, Romania [photos by Bill Crandall]

By giving us access to all our friends at all times, it is ruining friendship.

By offering endless entertainment, it is ruining boredom.

By giving us frictionless experiences while traveling, it is ruining travel.

By putting wondrous learning tools in our hands, it is ruining education.

By enabling a dazzling new world of creator tech, it is ruining creativity.

By offering limitless communication and access to everything and everybody, it is ruining living in the moment.

By putting high-quality photo capability in everyone’s pocket, it is ruining photography.

By giving us almost god-like powers of navigation, knowledge, and communication, it is making us helpless.

By offering us the wonders of the universe it is crushing inspiration.

By connecting us to everyone it is making us lonely.

By putting marvelous games in a little box we can carry anywhere, it is ruining fun.

By keeping us busy, it makes us procrastinators.



Bill Crandall
Counter Arts

Photographer and educator. Exploring how art and stories can take us forward. Carrying the fire.