Found Faces

Sometimes we perceive them in odd places.

Chuck Haacker
Counter Arts
2 min readMar 17, 2022


Not long ago, Krista Bennett shared her charming collection of pictures of barn faces. Everyone probably knows about barn quilts, but Krista has the knack of seeing the glimmer of a human face on the side of a tumble-down barn. You might too.

I promised Krista that I would get around to doing something with a face I’d seen on a building when driving by.

Can you see her?

The main street is to the left, but I parked on this block and wandered around to find the best angle. I’d been meaning to stop for some time. Before someone painted it red, the deep gouge in the stucco with its exposed brick looked to be a subject for a tight texture closeup, but then the hole was painted and, I thought, ruined, vandalized. Grr.

Then I started seeing the face. The smeared, sloppily applied 1940s garish scarlet lipstick. The empty, staring eyes. Yes, there was a hint of a face there.

But I still didn’t stop to shoot it until Krista published her piece. Even then, it took me a couple of weeks to get a round tuit (everyone needs a round tuit). I worked the scene from several angles, finally settling on this one.

Then I went nuts.

Ah! THERE she is!

Krista’s faces need no bludgeoning, but I thought mine needed a little help.

Before and After. All photos herein are © Charles G. Haacker.

So go find them. They are out there. (¬‿¬)

Thanks for reading!



Chuck Haacker
Counter Arts

Photography is who I am. I can’t not photograph. I am compelled to write about the only thing I know.