US Politics | Opinion

Not All 75 Year Old Men Blame Their Age for Causing an Unjustified and a Brutal War

But George W. Bush did, a Freudian slip or an admission of guilt?

I, Napoleon B.
Counter Arts
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2022


George W. Bush freudian slip
George W. Bush — Caricature, Credits go to DonkeyHotey

Oh, You have to give it to former US president George W. Bush, a man with less hubris would never talk about the war in Ukraine.

He called the war in Iraq, ‘mission accomplished.’ At least in his mind on that day when he pulled a theatrical stunt of his jet landing off the USS Abraham Lincoln, as he met with US troops.

In a viral tweet from Michael Williams, a Dallas journalist, George W. Bush made a speech that people should never forget. He blames the gaffe on his age, now that he is 75, but I say his words came out from his conscience, a historical Freudian slip.

What is a Freudian slip? A Freudian slip, also known as parapraxis, is a verbal or memory gaffe attributed to the unconscious mind. These slips are said to disclose people’s hidden thoughts and feelings.



I, Napoleon B.
Counter Arts

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