“GTA IV is a great game but a bad Grand Theft Auto”

MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts
Published in
6 min readNov 21, 2021


This internet quote left me so baffled I had to play the game again and find out.

Credit: Rockstar Games

The internet is without a doubt a cesspool which collects the very worst opinions ever to be conceived by a human brain (this account obviously included). However, just like this account hopes, every once in a while you come across certain phrases that are surprisingly useful. Something that is able to shift a perspective that you once thought was “unmovable”.

I was lucky enough to experience this amazing experience a few months ago with a seemingly harmless opinion:

“GTA IV is a great game but a bad Grand Theft Auto game.”

The comment came from a Twitter account that I respect very much. However, his expertise relied on football and not video games. At first, I reacted just as you would. “This guy is an imbecile. How can he say that? Stick to football, mate”.

For some reason, the thought kept lingering in my mind for days. I refused to concede that perhaps there was a point behind such a controversial statement. GTA IV a bad game? COME ON!

I couldn’t let this go. Wishing to find out what that guy could possibly mean, I played the whole game again after more than a couple of years without even touching it.



MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts

Movies. Video Games. Watches. If you are passionate about any of these, I guarantee I’ll piss you off at least once.