Science, Religion & Culture

How Billionaires Manage Their Time

You’re never in the moment but also you are

Dr. Matthew Pate
Counter Arts
Published in
8 min readNov 12, 2021


The Trinity Nuclear Bomb Test. The inspiration for Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer’s famous misquote. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my life’s most memorable and poignant moments and how I chose to deal with them. In my essay, Waiting for the Wrong Moment, I provide a few examples. These moments and the spaces between them are how we perceive life. You can’t consider these things without a reference to time.

“Whatever happens to you has been waiting to happen since the beginning of time.” -Marcus Aurelius

There’s a popular myth about a magical formula leading to myriad types of abundance and fulfillment. Many so-called experts want you to believe they have divined this one true list of techniques that guarantees fame, fortune, and other measures of worldly success. Just peruse this website alone and you’ll see hundreds of articles with titles that begin “The Five Habits of…” or “The Key to…” Many will doubtless provide useful and insightful guidance to help you improve whatever it is you’re doing — if only you’ll embrace their version of temporal planning and accounting.

Logically, they can’t all be right. Otherwise, there’d be just one article. It would have whatever bullet points were necessary to illuminate the single correct path; and we could all call it…



Dr. Matthew Pate
Counter Arts

Criminal Justice Researcher. Erstwhile Detective, Author. Mixed Media Artist. Habitual Line Stepper. Loves Dogs and Cats. Holds Doors. Wishes for Better.