How Can You Be Free if You Don’t Realize Your Trapped? — ‘You Can Live Forever’ (2022) Review

The queer coming of age romance, ‘You Can Live Forever’ is currently available on VOD.

Chelsea Alexandra
Counter Arts


June Laporte as Marike and Anwen O’Driscoll as Jaime in ‘You Can Live Forever’ courtesy of Prospector Films

Sometimes it takes someone walking into your life and shaking things up to realize how caged you are. A person can come into your life and open your eyes to their “worldly” views. The wider your view of the world becomes, however, the more complicated it can become. When you’re a teenager, it’s overwhelming to see that the black and white world you live in isn’t so cut and dry. You can either see the world for what it is and hope that it all works out or you can abandon everything you know. You Can Live Forever is a queer teenage love story that shows how one person can change your life.

Seventeen-year-old Jamie (Anwen O’Driscoll) is sent to spend time with her aunt and uncle after her mother suffers a mental breakdown. Her aunt Beth (Laine Balaban) and Uncle Jan François (Antoine Yared) are both Jehovah’s Witnesses. Although Jamie is not in the truth herself, her aunt and uncle still welcome her with open arms and care for her. While under their roof, she is asked to attend a weekly meeting at the Kingdom Hall. Jamie is not too thrilled, but to keep the peace between her and her temporary guardians, she goes. It is…



Chelsea Alexandra
Counter Arts

Top Writer in MOVIES! 🎬🍿 A Freelance Writer who is passionate about "FILM & TV" and Coffee!