How Much Does It Cost To Renounce Your U.S. Citizenship?

As is the case with almost everything, you’ll pay more than any other country.

Greyson Ferguson
Counter Arts
Published in
6 min readMay 29, 2024


Photo by Cristina Glebova on Unsplash

If that guy becomes President I’m leaving the country!

Every four years you probably hear someone in your group of friends say something similar. If their chosen representative with the red or blue shirt doesn’t win, they’re pulling up the stakes and shipping off to Mexico.

Heck, maybe that person is you.

For 99.99% of the people who say this, it’s all tongue and cheek. If it wasn’t, half of Hollywood would have relocated to another country by now.

But let’s say it’s not. Maybe you’re serious. You’ve had it and you want out. For many, the biggest reason behind the desire to disassociate oneself from the United States is strictly financial. They move away, obtain secondary citizenship, and despite not living in the U.S. they still fork over hefty amounts of U.S. federal taxes.

In that sense, I get it. I’m in the U.S. about two weeks a year, but my federal taxes remain the same. So the amount of money I pay Uncle Sam per day is ridiculous.

However, it’s not necessarily the easiest thing to do. Straight forward? Mostly, but you don’t just file a piece of paper and you’re…



Greyson Ferguson
Counter Arts

You might hate my first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. Ever dream of moving out of the U.S.? I wrote a book that can help: