How Would I End AOT?

“How Would I End It?” (a review)

Soheil Erfani Tabar
Counter Arts
5 min readNov 11, 2023


How Would I End AOT? Soheil Erfani Tabar

So, ‘Attack on Titan’ is finally out, and after a decade of war, loss, and many, many shouts, we can talk about the ending of this anime. Before we start diving into the story and all of the “Tatakae” that they go through, I have to tell you guys this article is full of spoilers. We will talk about the story and incidents that happen from the beginning till the end, so make sure that you have watched the series before I spoil anything. Trust me, 10 years was worth it!

What do I think about the ‘Attack on Titan’ ending?

AOT Ending review

Well, I was one of those people who started reading the manga halfway through the show. I mean, how the hell could anyone wait for another season. Therefore, I was faced with the truth that many people didn’t like AOT ending. This is understandable since the manga and the story are excellently written, and everyone makes such a bond with Eren that although my man is destroying humanity, we still love him, and we want him to succeed!

Something that I learned as soon as I started learning about writing fiction was the required materials for making a perfect villain. You just need to make sure that he’s been living a hard life and, more importantly, he believes that he is doing the right thing. As much as you manage to make this more understandable for your audience, there is a greater chance they feel the character and love it.

Although Eren is not exactly a villain, he is destroying the whole of humanity! The reason that people love him so much can be found primarily in the beginning seasons. Losing his mother and joining the Special Operations Squad, making new friends besides Mikasa and Armin, and fighting for his beliefs are some parameters that make us love this character. Hajime Isayama has done a great job making characters come to life so they can be felt by the audience.

Again and again, from now on, more spoilers are coming since we are going to talk about the AOT ending. What we see in the last episode is a masterpiece. I’m not a big fan of the AOT ending either, but we can’t say that it doesn’t end beautifully. That last second when Eren opens his eyes only to see Mikasa for the last time; it’s just perfection. The ending shows us that Eren was right; he found out that there is no freedom, no way to end this war, as the humans will keep fighting even when the Titans are gone.

At the end, we see a young boy who is walking in the ruins of the world after the war and goes to the tree where Eren’s head is buried. The tree is very similar to the one that Ymir walked into, and therefore, the story of the Titans starts again! Everyone crying after Eren’s death, finding out what was his true intention. Looking at all these scenes, you can’t tell that it was a great ending, even if it might not be a fan-favorite one.

So, how would you end it, Captain Levi?

Captain Levi from AOT

First of all, I would have ended it in a way that I wouldn’t end up with one eye! I do have two endings for ‘Attack on Titan’ in my mind. The first one would be pretty much similar to the anime, but instead of Eren dying, I would have written a great fight where everyone with the intention of killing Eren would die in honor, and Of course, I would make it tragic. The only person surviving through everything just to get to Eren before dying would be Levi. Just imagine what a scene that could become! What do you think Levi’s last words would be to Eren?

Another ending that I have in mind is a little bit more complicated since I would make a significant change in the story back at the night that Eren asked Mikasa: “What am I to you.” This conversation was one of the big turning points in the story in my mind, and I always thought about what Mikasa said to Eren. “You’re Family,” was what Mikasa answered. Whenever I think of this moment, I’m amazed by the Hajime Isayama’s work. One small piece of dialogue can make the whole storyline go differently. Just think, what would happen if Mikasa would tell Eren that she loves him.

I’m not going to get deep into that ending since I have to literally tell you a new story, but use your imagination and tell me what you think happens? Do you have any endings of yours in mind? I would be happy if you could share that with me.

Soheil Erfani Tabar © 2023. All rights reserved.

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How Would I End It?

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How Would I End AOT? Soheil Erfani Tabar

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