I Am On Holiday And You Should Be Too

I’m typing this as it is too hot to be out

Counter Arts
3 min readJul 30, 2022


A photo taken through sun glasses

What can I say, I like holidays in Hungary. I have no idea what people talk about and if I need to understand anything I ask my wife or my daughter to interpret what is being said to me.

People think that I am English and, sometimes, I see their disappointment when they find out that I am Lithuanian. Probably they think, “ This poor fucker has no money to spend in my restaurant”.

Holidays in Hungary are a real holiday for me. I have no clue what is being said and don’t have to worry about it. They just blurb away and I look at them smiling and nodding.

OK, I am simplifying a bit, I can understand a tiny bit what is being said. When I try to speak to people — for some reason — I speak to them in Spanish. If I am being asked for something, and the answer should be Yes or No I say Si or No. They look at me in confusion.

I keep smiling and nodding.

I suspect they take a piss out of me sometimes. I have no problem with that. They take a mick out of an idiot of a village and I am one of them.

People over here use a lot of words to express themselves, they talk for hours. Hungarians are like the Spanish or Italians of Central Europe. Most simple conversations are like deep debates among politicians. They talk, then talk a bit more and then some more. They don’t raise their voices when they disagree. What they do instead, they belittle each other.

Men know everything. Women are constantly anxious. If they smoke, then they smoke a lot. And they talk and talk. Never-ending gossips. Even the most stupid things are said with an authority by men. I don’t get Hungarian men. But what do I know, I am a village idiot.

Politically, Hungarians are in trouble, they have a guy running the country like his own property or private company. The most stupid or intelligent decisions are made with an authority of a warlord. Don’t get me wrong, it's still a democracy, a corrupt one. Perhaps, it’s needed, what do I know, I am a village idiot on holidays.

It gets very hot over here. I am not good at managing the heat. My skin is peeling off of my bold head. I struggle to cope with it. It seems my dog is struggling, as well. He looks for any shade he can find. Like me. Hungarians don’t give a damn about the scorching sun. Builders sit on the rooftops with no t-shirts or hats. No complaints, only a slight irritation on their faces. Tough people.

People are spiritual over here. Churches and Jesus on crosses are on almost every corner. Superstition plays an important role for Hungarians. And at the same time, they are open about their sexuality in a traditional way. There is no shame about it. They like their jokes about sex.

I noticed one strange thing, people put plastic bottles of water around their cars, usually next to wheels. I have no idea why they do that. I could look for the answer online but I am on holiday and I can’t be bothered. I will rather be a village idiot who enjoys his holiday in the sun on the shores of the lake of Balaton.

