I Love My Roomba

Bring on the robot revolution

Pam Saraga
Counter Arts


Portrait of my Roomba

This is no humble brag or an affiliate link. I get no compensation for this piece. What I do get is clean floors. You have no idea how long it has been since I have seen the floors of my house without cat hair on them.

I have ten cats due to circumstances beyond my control. My sister got burned out in the Camp Fire, so I adopted her brood which combined with my lot equals a hell of ALOT of cats.

I have never been a great housekeeper. Cleaning was not high up on my priority list. Clutter is my friend and cats are my companions. Marie Kondo would commit suicide rather then walk into my living room. Likewise, Betty Crocker would off herself if forced into my kitchen. But that’s another story.

I got my Roomba, a few days ago. Who I named, Salvador and will henceforth be nicknamed, Sal.

We have already formed a close bond. This appears to be one of the tightest relationships I have developed in many a year. And why not, he took a horrible, time-consuming task and sucked it up without complaining.

I did have to defend his honor from two of my cats, who took umbrage to this whirling stranger. Those two will have to settle down if they don’t want to be shaved bald. They are the reason he had to move in.

I didn’t even have to read the directions. I like them simple. One button, one function, one charge. He’s working right now! Do you hear the sweet sound of efficiency? Bring on the robot revolution.

OMG, Sal just went to his charging station, plugged in and shut himself off. I think I’m going to cry.

Hey, iRobot Corporation, give me a call. I’m available for Roomba endurance testing. Sal said, “Bring it on.”



Pam Saraga
Counter Arts

Old enough to see the issue & young enough to try and fix the problem.