If You Don’t Exist on Social Media, Do You Exist at All?

How social media created an existential crisis, questioning what means to be alive in the world.

Roo Benjamin
Counter Arts


Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”

This classic philosophical thought experiment challenges the relationship between observation, perception, and existence.

I removed myself from social media for a year because I was tired. I’d had enough and needed a break. For over a year I didn’t post a single piece of content or make public comment on other people’s content.

I didn’t intend for it to be an experiment or create an existential crisis, but that’s where it led. It seemed, at least to some, that I was dead for a time.

If a person thinks a thought but doesn’t express it, does the thought exist in the world?

What makes a thought? Is it the inner conceptualisation of the idea or the manifested expression of it?

Copyright doesn’t protect ideas. It can only protect the expression of an idea. Without evidence of an idea’s expression, it is less tangible than air. Air can at least be…



Roo Benjamin
Counter Arts

Writing about life, love, and how to be a better human. Roo Benjamin is the alter ego of Benny Callaghan 🏳️‍🌈 (he/they/us-two) https://ko-fi.com/roobenji