
Ana F. Martín
Counter Arts
Published in
Jan 5, 2022

A self-portrait photo essay on depression

2021 was the year I experienced the “death” of the self. It started with a revelation: I was diagnosed with a chronic depression I have been living with for over 15 years. I didn’t know who I was, how I was going to find myself again, how long it would take to figure out my true self while suffering the consequences of emptiness. It was a long journey I still haven’t fully finished that I decided to document through a series of self-portraits in this photography project titled Insomnia.

Hiding from self
Hating self
Tired of self
Wondering about self
Masking self
Losing the self
Looking at self
Reaching for self
Connecting with self
Discovering self
Listening to self
Accepting self



Ana F. Martín
Counter Arts

Photographer, writer, and artist trying to understand the world