Is Andrew Garfield the Hero We Need Right Now?

The Hollywood A-Lister has taken some time away from the limelight to reflect upon the nature of being creative in a capitalistic society. Surprisingly for someone in his position, he makes some good points.

Patrick Crawford
Counter Arts


Andrew Garfield stands on a sand dune
Image: British GQ

Andrew Garfield is officially the sexiest actor on the planet — according to Glamour Magazine. This is shorthand for “sexiest person on the planet” since actors tend to be sexier than most other working professionals, aside from, of course, models. Glamour Magazine is also the purveyor of all things “glamorous”, so its word is gospel, as far as I’m concerned.

The actor has been taking a break from acting and has cultivated his sexiness in absentia. His interview with GQ Magazine entitled “Andrew Garfield’s search for the sublime” attempts to strip back the man and myth of Garfield, both metaphorically and physically, and is choc-a-bloc with insightful and thought-provoking titbits about the plight of the modern-day creative.

The interview is accompanied by pictures of an incredibly muscular, oiled-up Garfield standing upon a sand dune in a desert. He is topless and wears black leather pants from Alexander McQueen that have a retail price of £2,850. Leather pants in a desert…



Patrick Crawford
Counter Arts

"Top" Writer in Movies and Television. Is this title an apt descriptor? I suppose I'll let you, dear reader, be the judge of that.