Let Me Tell You How Art Is Everywhere

Art is everywhere, just look to the streets

Yilkal Yenealem
Counter Arts
5 min readAug 14, 2023


Photo by Sora Sagano on Unsplash

Art allows us to express our creativity and nurtures imagination. Through painting, sculpture, photography or another medium, artistic works allow individuals to express feelings, thoughts and observations while allowing us to appreciate what is around us or to see the world around us in different ways. Art is beauty, but beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder. As such, art also allows us to find pleasure in the sight of clouds or the splendor of a meadow, in the experience of the mundane or the excitement of the extraordinary, but also where beauty is not usually perceived, such as a rooftop, a factory, or a gritty streetscape. (by Dr. James McMahon)

Art is everywhere, whether you know where to look or not. It’s the design of your soda can and cereal box, or the graphics of that videogame your kid is currently obsessed with beating.

It’s the songs you sing in church or synagogue, and that quilt your grandmother made you years ago. It’s the mp3s you bop to on your way to work, and the books stacked on your bedside table. It is all art, and it affects our lives in ways both subtle and obvious, expected and unexpected.

Photo by note thanun on Unsplash

Art is not confined within the walls of galleries or the pages of textbooks. It transcends boundaries and permeates every facet of human existence. From the intricate strokes of a painter’s brush to the rhythmic movements of a dancer’s body, art manifests itself in myriad forms.

It is an ethereal thread that weaves through the fabric of our lives, enhancing our experiences, inspiring emotions, and reflecting the essence of our shared humanity. This essay aims to illuminate the omnipresence of art, demonstrating how it permeates every nook and cranny of our world.

Art in Nature:

Photo by Dave on Unsplash

Nature, with its breathtaking landscapes and awe-inspiring phenomena, is an artist’s masterpiece. From the vibrant hues of a sunset to the delicate intricacies of a flower petal, nature’s canvas is an endless source of inspiration.

The harmonious symphony of birdsong, the rhythmic crashing of waves, and the whispering of wind through the trees are all manifestations of art in its purest form. The natural world is a living testament to the artistic prowess of the universe, inviting us to immerse ourselves in its boundless beauty.

Art in Architecture:

Photo by Lance Anderson on Unsplash

Architecture, often regarded as the marriage of science and art, is a tangible testament to human creativity. Every building, from towering skyscrapers to humble dwellings, is a reflection of the artistic choices made by architects.

The sleek lines, intricate details, and harmonious proportions of a well-designed structure evoke emotions and create a sense of place. From ancient temples and grand cathedrals to modern urban landscapes, architecture has the power to shape our moods, influence our behavior, and inspire a sense of wonder.

Art in Literature:

Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash

Literature, the written expression of human thought and imagination, is a rich tapestry of artistic creations. Through the power of words, writers paint vivid pictures in our minds, transport us to distant lands, and evoke profound emotions within us.

Novels, poems, and plays are vessels of artistic expression, conveying the essence of the human condition. They explore complex themes, challenge societal norms, and ignite our imaginations, leaving an indelible mark on our collective consciousness.

Art in Music:

Photo by Gabriel Gurrola on Unsplash

From the rhythmic beats of drums to the melodic strains of a violin, music is an art form that transcends language and unites cultures. It has the ability to evoke powerful emotions, transport us to different eras, and bring people together in shared experiences.

Whether it’s the stirring symphonies of classical composers, the soulful melodies of jazz, or the pulsating rhythms of contemporary pop, music permeates our lives, providing a soundtrack to our emotions and serving as a universal language of the heart.

Art in Everyday Life:

Photo by Tom Podmore on Unsplash

Beyond the traditional realms of galleries and concert halls, art seeps into the very fabric of our everyday lives. It can be found in the graceful choreography of a ballet dancer, the vibrant murals adorning city walls, the design of everyday objects, and even the culinary delights that tantalize our taste buds. Artistic expression is embedded in our fashion choices, the way we decorate our homes, and the stories we tell through photography and film.

It surrounds us, enriching our experiences and adding depth to our interactions with the world.

Art is not confined to a specific medium, space, or time. It is an omnipresent force that infuses our existence with beauty, meaning, and inspiration.

From the natural wonders that captivate our senses to the creative endeavors of humankind, art is woven into the very essence of our lives. By recognizing and embracing the artistic elements that surround us, we open ourselves up to a world of limitless possibilities for expression, connection, and personal growth.

Let us celebrate the ubiquity of art and allow it to elevate our lives, fostering a deeper appreciation for the creativity that resides within us all.



Yilkal Yenealem
Counter Arts

Whether I am writing short stories, articles, or novels, my work is characterized by a dedication to quality and a passion for the written word.