Letter to My Lover

Do not open the shutters

Nicky Dee
Counter Arts


Montage by the Author

I can imagine us waking up in the old quarter, at sunrise, to make humid love on damp sheets.

Shutters cracked just open, with our sunrise touching the bed. Sliding over each other, sweaty with desire, as the sounds of prayer echo over the dusky city.

Fruit on the balcony overlooking the unfamiliar landscape. Our own dawn, almost sunset. The steward leaving the locked door unopened for days.

We would allow this to happen, only for the local girl with long dark hair and eyes, black like pools of depths unending, to come and teach us French. The complexities of how expressions and conjugations change with intent and meaning. Not the way the books write it, but the way it is spoken with sound and movement.

I would not allow you to see her because I would be jealous, wanting to keep your arousal purely as my own. But her voice would be soft and sweet and low. And your imagination would run rampant and make her even more provocative to you.

We would venture out at night, into the darkness, to explore the back alleys and illegal taverns, and to watch the ebb and flow of smooth skin and sheerest fragrance, dance to exotic beats — to fall back into bed just before sunrise and to, once again, close a door to the demands of the day.

And disappear into each other again until the sun was high.

We would not open the shutters. Still. Preferring to lie, naked and sweating, watching each other turn ever so slightly, drifting through the heat. Occasionally reaching out to touch a body part nearby. Eyes locked. Letting the tension build. Again.

Until the inevitable sunset as time ran its course. And the fruit. Always the fruit. And the view of the city as night seeps upwards and turns the colors of the day into midnight blue.

Always and again. Forever.

Or until we felt the need for a different climate. And pace.


In the Suburbs. The dog needs to be walked. The cats are working out their shit. Never going to happen. Tom is as stubborn and set in his ways as I am. Don’t forget

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