Life Cycle

Some musings and our September prompt (at the end), a companion piece to ‘Endings and Beginnings’ in Rainbow Salad.

Sadie Seroxcat
Counter Arts


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

The world, a huge, spherical globe — anchored to a space in space — turning, spinning, round and around, orbited and orbiting.

Upon the Earth we also see cycling movement everywhere we look. If we look.

The Wheel of Seasons — Winter snow, blooming Spring, Summer’s heat and the golden leaves of Autumn/Fall.

The recycling of the gas exchange — trees taking our carbon dioxide waste and returning to us fresh, pure oxygen to breath. Or that’s how it has worked, only we are suicidal in our (human) pursuit of destruction when it comes to the world’s largest forests.

The water cycle, liquid circling: sky to ground to body of water, evaporating back to clouds until they are heavy and pregnant, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to release their load and soak us to to the skin again.

We complain so much about the rain — and yet this water is our life! We need it like we need air to breathe!

Our bodies are on average sixty percent water; we need water to drink — or we will die. Do you know how long we can live without water? Around three days. Depending upon how well hydrated you are to start…



Sadie Seroxcat
Counter Arts

Essays & Poetry. Chronic illness. Mental Health. Literature. Boost Nominator. 'Counter Arts', ‘Rainbow Salad’ & 'Seroxcat's Salon'