‘Memento Mori’: Living And Dying

Depeche Mode brings fire and light into the darkness

Marc Barham
Counter Arts


’Cause people are good
Whisper it under your breath
People are good
Keep fooling yourself

People Are Good (2023), Depeche Mode

So it's out today the latest album by Depeche Mode. A new Depeche Mode album? I am in Heaven. But it's a dark Heaven. Yes. That's because it is our reality with one of the greatest iconic beats and lyrics put to it.

It begins with a statement of intent and a somber but powerful chant of reclamation against those who are trying to take our existence from us through division, war, and ecological decimation. It is a call to all to stand and hold fast and if necessary fight for their and our identity. It is quintessential Depeche Mode.

I have been a fan since the very early days when songs like ‘People are People’ and Master and Servant’ were for me resonating with my own political persuasion of anti-Thatcherite views, And I have been with them through most of their musical career. With the album Violator, for me, they hit a new height of combinatorial genius of mighty beats and melodies and a message, with my favourites being World in My Eyes and Policy of Truth being played endlessly.



Marc Barham
Counter Arts

Column @ timetravelnexus.com on iconic books, TV shows/films: Time Travel Peregrinations. Reviewed all episodes of ‘Dark’ @ site. https://linktr.ee/marcbarham64