Midsummer Dreams, A Circus And Being The Master Of Your Own Destiny

Counter Arts
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2022

I trained a lion in the middle of a circus ring—a young, disobedient lion. I showed him a stick and fire flames and told him if he is not going to obey I will use them against him. He just smiled at me and continued to disobey. It was hot in the circus, the flames were reaching the tent's ceiling. Suddenly the walls started to collapse and the lion ran away. I opened my eyes. I was in my bed and one of the cats was humping my leg. Poor boy, he has no balls but still, he thinks that he can do it.

I am back in the circus. This time I am practising with the jongleurs. We don’t speak the same language. They are throwing steel balls in the air, three or four at a time.

It’s hot, I am sweating. Jongleurs go away. I go away. The circus flies up in the sky. We live happily ever after in our own worlds. Lions in their dens. Jongleurs in a circus of the dreams.

Dreams, what are they? Why do I feel more alive in the dreams than in this world?

Some of the people in white coats say that dreams are nothing more than a hallucination of a brain. So why then the dream world is more exciting and mysterious than this world? Once I walked between the dream characters and they couldn't see me because I decided to be invisible to them. Invisible! I could glide towards them, stand in front of their faces and they had no idea I was there. Or did they choose to ignore me? And all this was happening in my mind! Do you see how bizarre all this is?

Third of our lives we spend sleeping and dreaming but we pretend that dreams are not that important. If you would spend a third of your life practising a musical instrument or martial art, you would be a master that has no equals.

I think, soon, humans will make a massive evolutionary leap. The current madness is for a reason. It’s a nightmare and no one wants to spend too much time running from the monster or getting stabbed repeatedly. We create dream worlds and awaken worlds.

Once I attended a gathering of people who practice the art of lucid dreaming. One lady told us that she keeps two journals, one day-time journal, and one dream journal. She noticed something peculiar, her dreams and so-called reality intertwined and the reality didn’t look that solid anymore.

The walls of the circus crumbled.

