(MS) Sources of Imagination

“Creativity is just connecting things.” — Steve Jobs

Moony Thinker
Counter Arts
2 min readNov 1, 2022


Author’s collage

Creating digital collages is one of my personal favorite forms of art making. While these creations may not be gallery standard, they are my creations and they hold value to me.

This one presented to all of you I call: Sources of Imagination.

A few years back, I was trapped in my cubical prison cell wondering where creativity comes from. Contemplating on this with my Intuition, we decided that there can not be one source, method, or place of birth from where creativity is from.

Instead, we decided that creativity is a formless energy mixture of multiple imaginative and inspirational pieces swirling around until a source of direction can be discerned. Further, that creativity is a tool to be used broadly (daydreaming) or more centrally (concentrating deeply to solve a specific problem).

Wanting to take this broadly complicated set of opinions and place them into collage resulted in Sources of Imagination being born. Creativity is chaos, and in this collage you can see that represented by how there is no direct start or stop, point of direction, or even a connection amongst the pieces associated with their various neighbors. Instead, it is expressing that imagination is boundless and various.

I hope you all enjoy this collage; I sure did in making it. I love seeing it and being reminded of its purpose where it is now framed above my work-for-food job’s desk reminding me of the importance of creativity while my prison-job attempts to rob me of this connection.

Be well, my friends.

— MT

If this collage connects with you, feel free to save it, print it, and use it for your own. Or, maybe it has motivated you to create your own discipline-themed collage; all the better.

— Other Post By Moony —

Moony's Poems

40 stories
Two young children, one draping an arm over the other, both facing away from the camera, walking down a dirt/gravel road to a distance not established. Upon the sides of the road are brush that are bristlely, short, and dry grass.
Porcelan doll face that is cracked and looking down and with the closed mouth, looking scared.

Moony's Blogs

22 stories
A person, how hands are hidden in front of them, stands just before an open lane at a bowling alley. All pins are set for a fresh take at the bowl. Neon lights are all around, the room feels dark and cool. It is ready to be played.
An individual is holding these multi-sided paper shaped three dimensional start in their hands while many others are floating all around them. The star being held is covering the individual’s face. This is to say “have imagination and let it flow from you.”

Motivation Series

6 stories
A collection of natural images such as the ground of a forest, desert extending higher through the natural layers of our existence (moving through the trees, to the mountains, sky, then stars) showing our place in this reality of current.

Dreaming While Awake

8 stories



Moony Thinker
Counter Arts

Writing something, somewhere, lost in some thought, figuring things out, and purposefully flaky. I don't do conformity or expectations; so keep them low.