My Top 5 Current Patek Philippe Watches

In terms of High Horology, Patek is king.

MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts


Credit: Patek Philippe

I have a weird relationship with Patek Philippe.

On one hand, it is easy to defend that Patek remains to be the most demanded, exclusive and most respected watchmaker ever. Their timepieces are nothing short of art, showing us the beautiful artistic wonders human beings are able to achieve when they work together. But on the other hand, I find them ridiculously over-priced and one of the major players responsible for the elitist bullshit which currently invades the watch collecting hobby.

They are a tough one for me, for sure. Nonetheless, Patek Philippe as a brand and a philosophy truly is an ode to mechanical watchmaking and artistry. For better or worse, every collector out there fantasizes with owning one. I am no exception. So here are my top favorites from the current collection at 2023.

I promise you won’t find the very predictable 5711’s or Aquanauts here. From the perspective of a “dress watch” lover, expect to find a lot of elegant and highly complicated models. Will you or I ever have a chance of owning any of these? To be honest, we have a better chance of successfully wrestling a UFC fighter with both our hands tied to our back. Still, it’s nice to dream every so often!

5270P — Grand



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Counter Arts

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