My Top 5 Watches From Timex

If you want to get into watch collecting, Timex is one of the best places to start.

MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts


Credit: Timex

Today, we debunk one of the most annoying myths around watch collecting there is. This one irks me harder than Peta’s Twitter account. Because the worst part about it is that it’s an opinion so popular amongst some watch snobs on the internet that some innocent fresh collectors have started to believe it.

Here it is:

“You have to spend good money to get a good watch.”

No, people! Don’t buy into that trap that you have to spend at least a 1,000 bucks just to have a good looking, well-built timepiece.

Don’t get me wrong, watch collecting can be a financial trap that can leave you more broke than the last turn in a Mario Party match. But here’s an important caveat: you don’t have to spend thousands just to get into the game. And one of the best brands to corroborate this is Timex.

One of the oldest watch brands in existence, Timex combines affordability with know-how when it comes to timepieces. Without spending an amount of money big enough to incite a fight with your life partner, Timex provides a bunch of solid alternatives with cool designs and surprisingly decent quality.



MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts

Movies. Video Games. Watches. If you are passionate about any of these, I guarantee I’ll piss you off at least once.