
A writing one, not the on time one

Nicky Dee
Counter Arts


Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

I’m in. This is in response to a writing prompt from a human who is a part of a cool publication that I’m enamoured with, because of its cool community.

My favourite book

I carried this book with me for a year and more, read it, re-read bits and intentionally read the rest of it as slowly as I could, because I never wanted it to end.

Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse.

Mine looks like this. I would have taken a photo, but it’s still packed…

How the fuck did he get this right? The journey of a thousand miles, in a book that, literally, would take less than a day for an avid reader to read. And it’s all there. As it should be. As it is.

I can’t even read Paulo Coelho anymore. No disrespect. He’s lovely. But Hesse…

Also taken from Goodreads, ’cause Will made it so:

“Herman Hesse’s classic novel has delighted, inspired, and influenced generations of readers, writers, and thinkers. In this story of a wealthy Indian Brahmin who casts off a life of privilege to seek spiritual fulfillment. Hesse synthesises disparate philosophies — Eastern religions, Jungian archetypes, Western individualism — into a unique vision of life as expressed through one man’s search for true meaning.”

For anyone who has spent time “seeking”, the answers lie herein.

What I’m Currently Reading, in paperback



Photo by me

But before you judge me, let me add that I haven’t read him since I was in my late teens and I only picked this up because I found it about to be discarded in a pile of books from next door.

Even though I was shedding for a move myself, I am unable to stop buying books (only second hand because environment, plus rare finds of inscriptions from people now gone and even notes in margins at times — fascinating), or collecting books where found.

I kept it, because I fucking love law and Grisham does his research.

Also, I’ve just gotten out of a two year court situation and was recently enlightened on how the law doesn’t work as it should.

In addition, I was declined assistance by my medical insurance company in the life challenge. These fuckers bailed on me, when I’ve never missed a payment in thirty years and I’ve only used their services twice in all of those years. I reckon I’ve added more than any medical procedure will ever cost me, in five lifetimes, to their greedy wallet and I can’t fucking wait to see the main character in “The Rainmaker” shaft it to Great Benefit. Crooks. All of ‘em.

Also — fuck you Discovery Health. You and your fine-print.

And finally, I was curious to see if Grisham still held as much allure for me, as a now (supposedly) educated adult, as he did when I was but a lass.

I spent the first chapter(s) in some shock at the writing, wondering how he got to be so damned successful. At first all I could see were the “mistakes”, and I know fuck-all about writing to be clear. I do know enough to know, that y’all shouldn’t mix past and present tense, because I’m homeschooling my Fourth Grader. And yep. Grisham does. Without remorse.

But I stuck with it, because Law.

Five odd chapters in and I’m hooked again. Fuck the grammar, quite frankly. I am also, as a wordy writer (as you can probably tell by now), in awe of how much this guy says in a couple of short sentences. Like. He manages to describe half a chapter in, like, three sentences and still leaves room for the imagination. I want to be able to do that.

I will, moving forward, be editing myself mercilessly, creating entire scenes and developing characters in under twenty words. Just not here or today. Sorry, but I’m not that good. Yet.

A Photo Of My Local Library

I’ve just moved to a new area and have no idea of where the library is, or what time the bus runs to get there.

I’m still carrying around two books that need to be returned, a year or more late to the library in my last area of habitation, but I’m afraid they may arrest me. I did try to return them before I vacated the suburb, but the library was closed at the time. Honest.

I will return them. Honest.

I’ve lost friendships over books loaned and not returned. I’m weird. I know.

Instead of the photo of the elusive local library, here is a one of my only remaining books on a rented coffee table, next to my third cup of coffee. You can include every third paragraph (almost); the whole Chesire Cat conversation(s); and (almost) the entire dialogue with the caterpillar in the favourite book quote section below, because Will was mean to make us choose just one.

Photo also by me

A Favourite Book Quote

Geesh… can I have two. At least? Please?

“Its only after you’ve lost everything,” Tyler says, “that you’re free to do anything.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

“Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won’t adhere to any rules. The most any of us can do is to sign on as its accomplice. Instead of vowing to honour and obey, maybe we should swear to aid and abet. That would mean that security is out of the question. The words “make” and “stay” become inappropriate. My love for you has no strings attached. I love you for free.”
Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker

Yes. I cheated. Again.

My Favourite Word

-LIMINALITY- (but only because it helped me figure some things out…)
Oxford Reference:

A term introduced by Arnold van Gennep (Rites de passage, 1909), liminality refers to an intermediate ritual phase during initiation, in which initiates can be considered either sacred or potentially polluting to the mainstream society because of their anomalous social position. New social rules are commonly taught during the liminal phase, and strong, endearing, and creative bonds often develop between fellow initiates.

“Conundrum” is a firm favourite and I use it all the time. Good choice, Will!

Thanks for the prompt! I would totally have avoided the effort of writing on a Monday morning…

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