Proving The Standard Of The English Spoken In Nigeria

And it's relevance to linguistics

Afashima Moses
Counter Arts


Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

In my previous article, which can be found here,

I made a case for an emerging English which many are yet to come to terms with called Nigerian English.

As a student of the English language, I am pretty much aware that language variants must pass certain criteria before such can be called a dialect. This process is called language standardization.

Since the English spoken in Nigeria has existed in its right, I may be correct to say that the concept of “standard English” is somewhat ambiguous and a direct and deliberate creation of society to establish a class and standard for a language. This, as Hudson (1980:32) posits, is a deliberate attempt to reduce variations in language by standardizing dialects.

It is typical for society to create unnecessary classes.

Academically, Scholars have agreed on the existence of American and British standard English, despite their phonological and grammatical variations…



Afashima Moses
Counter Arts

Studied English language, writer of any subject. The man dies in all who is silent in the face of tyranny |THINKER| POET|NOVELIST