Ranking the Films of Wes Anderson

To end our Wes Anderson retrospective, let’s have a fun, very arbitrary ranking of his feature films

Reece Beckett
Counter Arts


Picture of Wes Anderson via NurPhoto, graphic additions by Martine Ehrhart

It doesn’t feel like it was long ago when I decided to go through the films of Wes Anderson chronologically, reviewing each one as I went along. To be honest, if you’d asked me a year ago if I would do such a thing, I’d have spat whatever I was drinking at the time across you, myself and the surrounding area. The process of coming around to, at least some of, Wes Anderson’s work has been a lengthy one, but in revisiting his films chronologically, the evolution of his style becomes so much more apparent and it’s a great element of his work to see. The growth of that style, which now seems to be becoming more radical than ever before, is fascinating and made this retrospective worthwhile.

No long introductions, though, let us get started! From my least favourite to my favourite, here are the films of Wes Anderson along with some very brief notes on each as we go.

12. Isle of Dogs

A still from Isle of Dogs, via Indian Paintbrush/Searchlight Pictures

Isle of Dogs is the one Anderson film that I would say isn’t worth the time invested. The…



Reece Beckett
Counter Arts

Film/music critic and poet. New articles every Mon, Thurs & Sat. Poetry on Sundays! Contact: reecebeckett2002@gmail.com https://linktr.ee/reecebeckett