Ringing The Changes (Again)

Announcing another change in ownership for the Counter Arts publication

Sadie Seroxcat
Counter Arts


Photo shows the author, Sadie Seroxcat, and was taken by/is the property of Sadie Seroxcat.

Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.”
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

It may not come as a huge surprise to those who write and read at Counter Arts regularly, but since being made the publication’s owner around six months ago, Will Hull has gradually, sorta, drifted off. In all fairness, life played one of it’s tricks and served him up a new job with shift work included; which along with other family commitments has had him pretty much down to zero time and energy to spend with us on Medium. We understand. We wish him well, as (though staying on as a writer) he now hands the Owner/Editor baton on again.

I’m truly honoured and extremely grateful for the faith and trust placed in me by everyone who was originally involved in the creation of Counter Arts — and completely thrilled to announce that the person to be replacing Will as the CAO(wner) is….. ME!!!

There will be a few changes being made behind the scenes, I’m working on shuffling around and tightening up the editorial team, but have no fear, your favourite pub won’t alter in any significant way regarding content and quality.

Thank you as always for your reading time — I hope you will all keep writing and sending us your submissions!




Sadie Seroxcat
Counter Arts

Essays & Poetry. Chronic illness. Mental Health. Literature. Boost Nominator. 'Counter Arts', ‘Rainbow Salad’ & 'Seroxcat's Salon' sadie.seroxcat@googlemail.com