Russell Brand Is A Predator Who Hid In Plain Sight.

Brand got away with his crimes for years because checks and balances don’t exist in celebrity culture.

Darryl R. Scott
Counter Arts


Photograph courtesy of Getty

In the movie adaptation of The Rocketeer, a superhero comic set during World War II, actress Jenny Blake (Jennifer Connelly) discovers that her matinee idol Neville Sinclair (Timothy Dalton) is a Nazi spy.

"You lied,” a horrified Jenny says. “You lied about everything."

"No, my dear," Dalton smiles wickedly. "I was acting."

It’s important to remember that we pay actors handsomely for the privilege of them telling us beautiful and seductive lies, especially when they’re in public pretending to be what we want them to be.

But sometimes actors either forget their lines, miss a cue or the mask slips off in front of an audience, and it’s in our best interest to be paying attention when that happens.

“When someone shows you who they are,” Maya Angelou said, “believe them. The first time.” This perceptive observation from Angelou never gets old and it’s usually ignored.

Be careful when you take on somebody else's problems because if things go sideways, it becomes your problem too.



Darryl R. Scott
Counter Arts

I'm a humble wordsmith pontificating about film, TV, pop culture and politics in these interesting times.