Art, Food, and Neuroscience: Does a Cute Latte Taste Better Than a Basic One?

Fluffy clouds of milk, or a straightforward cuppa joe?

Jess the Avocado
Counter Arts


Vincent van Gogh’s Café Terrace at Night (1888) famous painting. Original from Wikimedia Commons.

What even is a basic latte? How can something so intrinsically perfect be ever basic? And is basic even a bad word? These questions that might be worth answering, but not the ones we’ll be discussing today.

If you know anything about Ramit Sethi (investor, author, entrepreneur) you would know that a serious person never says no to a good latte. The caffeine kick, the aroma of roasted coffee beans, and the potential sweet burn on the stomach that helps with the overall experience. Experience being the keyword here. See, I come from a very coffee-centric land, Italy. But having moved to my mother’s Motherland, Australia, I got to understand how coffee is more than flavour, kick, and culture. It is love, and it is an experience. This may sound crazy, especially if you’re not a coffee drinker, but for many (myself included) coffee is love. Coffee is an art.

And artistic they do get. The baristas I mean. Just search for latte art on Pinterest or Google Images and you’ll see what I mean. Fluffy creatures made of milk, hearts, flowers, peacocks, and bear legs made out of marshmallows.

