So What? I Will Try Again Next Year

A poem for all the dreamers out there

Ishita Mehta
Counter Arts
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2020


This year was the year of my life
where many of my dreams were
supposed to come true.
I had been working tirelessly through
the days and nights
so that these dreams could become reality.
It was important not just for me
but for my loved ones too because
I wanted to make them proud.
They tell me that they are always proud
of me but I just wanted to do something
that would make me feel like
I deserved to be their pride.
Now even before I saw these dreams,
I understood that obstacles would surely
come along the way of dreamers.
That is part of the game after all.
However, little did I imagine
the kind of obstacles this year would bring.
I tried. I tried my best
to overcome every one of them.
But here I am having fallen down.
A part of me is so tired that
it only wants to sleep.
In fact, it is going to sleep as I speak.
No, I won't let this fall
be the end of my dreams.
So what it didn’t work out for me
this year? I will try again next
year and for however long it takes
because dreamers don’t quit.
They keep pushing through
till the very end.

Whoever said that life doesn’t always go our way is certainly right. This year is a perfect example of that. However just because things didn’t work out this year, we cannot give up. Through this poem, I just want to say that please don’t quit on any dreams you may have. Keep going. It has to work out at some point. Wishing you all happy 2021! May it be the best year yet of our lives.



Ishita Mehta
Counter Arts

Two p’s which are the love of my life are poetry and product management. You can check out my poetry here at