Stop Waiting To Feel Perfect, Ready, Or Worthy

Melissa Sirois
Counter Arts
Published in
4 min readJan 2, 2023


Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

Like Rascal Flatts said, life is a highway — one riddled with peaks, valleys, traffic jams, speed traps, roadkill, potholes, construction zones…. You get the point. Sometimes life is just plain hard.

We can only control so much, and even when we’d wish the world would stop spinning, spin it does. Whether we like it or not, we are propelled forward to the next moment in time, constantly inching closer to what will be and moving further away from what was

But if you’re anything like me (and most other humans), you find yourself resisting this momentum from time to time. You might not want to move on to what’s next because you’re comfortable, happy, or satisfied with where you currently stand — or you’re weary of unfamiliar territory or are unsure about what lies ahead.

Let’s face it: Often it is much easier to stick to what we know.

As someone who is very much “Type A”, I prefer to be steady and predictable in this way; nuance isn’t really my thing. The standards I created for myself early on in life were quite rigid and all-consuming. When I committed to doing something, I created an emotional contract with myself that I didn’t dare break; give me perfect or give me death!

(In second grade, for example, I erased, re-wrote, re-erased, and re-wrote sentences so…



Melissa Sirois
Counter Arts

Marketing and journalism grad working in corporate communications. Funny person. Connector of dots. I write about life as I see it.