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The 2021 wrap up— The pair who writes: 5 questions, 10 answers

Andrew and Katrin come up with questions and answers. Pretty straightforward, but let’s see what happens!

Katrin Suetterlin
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2021


Q1 — Professional highlight of 2021:

Andrew: I changed jobs! I started as a UX content strategist at RingCentral in June.

If you go through multiple interview processes and become comfortable in a new position, celebrate those achievements. There’s so much hard work and reinvention involved.

Katrin: I met incredible, diligent people at Sapera — and some of them turned into amazing friends … and even though my time with them as co-workers is coming to an end, I am glad we had the chance to inspire each other. 😊 And for 2022 I will meet new humans, in my new role, because I changed jobs as well! Bring out the bubbly! To 2021!

Q2 — Pro bono highlight of 2021:

Andrew: I loved meeting other UX writers throughout the world. As part of that, I enjoyed mentoring for the UX Writing Academy. I had three students this year. Seeing their growth was so rewarding. The experience inspired me to speak about breaking into UX at the UX Writer Conference in October. If you have time to pay things forward, do it!



Katrin Suetterlin
Counter Arts

Sustainable, inclusive and accessible experience design through UX content