The Book Review — Mater

A small story that hides some of the great questions of the human being, as well as that incredible influence of the feminine in our own existence.

Alejandro Orradre
Counter Arts


Source Illa dels llibres

Dystopian novels have constantly fed the imaginations of millions of readers; at the same time, they were the vehicle used by writers to talk about themes of a certain psychological or philosophical depth from a prism far removed from the essay.

The novel Mater, whichis only published in Catalan, deals with motherhood as the genesis of everything that makes us human through a plot that mixes several films and literary references.

The context is a society divided in two: humans, who have pushed the world to the limit, and a new evolution in which genetic engineering has made possible new generations of posthumans à la carte: without diseases, with specific physical and intellectual characteristics.

In this way, and trying to break with a past and a Sapiens species that they believe to be already overcome, the new humans intend to do away with the past in all aspects.

Humans are seen as savages, as beings who are already moronic and have to be eliminated. The posthumans intend to re-colonize the Earth (which has suffered some kind of cataclysm) while eradicating…

