Iconic British Fiction: ‘The Children Of Men’ (1992) by P.D. James

Omega and Alpha

Marc Barham
Counter Arts


My copy. (2024)

We can experience nothing but the present moment, live in no other second of time, and to understand this is as close as we can get to eternal life.”
P.D. James, The Children of Men


Generosity is a virtue for individuals, not governments. When governments are generous it is with other people’s money, other people’s safety, other people’s future.
P.D. James, The Children of Men

The film in 2006 was an adaptation of the novel Children of Men by P.D. James published in 1992. According to Metacritic’s analysis of the films most often noted on the best-of-the-decade lists, Children of Men is the 11th greatest film of the 2000s and it was voted 13th among 100 films considered the best of the 21st century by 117 film critics from around the world.

That is incredible in itself given the number of films made and that Children of Men despite critical acclaim won no major awards apart from Best Cinematography (BAFTA) and Best Film at the Saturn Awards.

I watched it again on BBC2 last week and was once again hit even harder by its dystopian prescience. I am still reeling from the experience this week as the film resonates with the actions of the British Tory government as regards…



Marc Barham
Counter Arts

Column @ timetravelnexus.com on iconic books, TV shows/films: Time Travel Peregrinations. Reviewed all episodes of ‘Dark’ @ site. https://linktr.ee/marcbarham64