‘The Gift’: Part One (ii)

Comparative Mythology

Sadie Seroxcat
Counter Arts


Photo by Juvian Duff on Unsplash

It might help to read the first part of this if you haven’t already.

In Akkadian versions of the story of Inanna — see Part One (i) Introduction - we see a couple of minor alterations, mainly concentrating upon the added detail that after Inanna’s descent into Kur (or a psychological state of anger, grief, depression), all sexual activity — and therefore reproduction — ceases on Earth. This is why the other gods, most often in these traditions called Enki or perhaps Ea, send a rescue party to retrieve her (complete with her new knowledge from the tree which grows there).

This is where we again loop round and tie into the programme which started all this, ‘Atiye/The Gift’.

In ‘The Gift’, Atiye travels down through the archaeological dig at Gobekli Tepe (guided by the spirit of her maternal ancestor) into a chamber which contains purple crystals. This in turn leads her through to an alternate version of the world, where everything appears barren and human fertility has become deadly to the very scant few who even manage to…



Sadie Seroxcat
Counter Arts

Essays & Poetry. Chronic illness. Mental Health. Literature. Boost Nominator. 'Counter Arts', ‘Rainbow Salad’ & 'Seroxcat's Salon' sadie.seroxcat@googlemail.com