‘The List’ — Or How Another Meet-Cute Is One Too Many!

I think I’ve grown out of RomComs

Aurelie B.
Counter Arts


A couple looking at each other on a caroussel
Photo by sept commercial on Unsplash

I’m a sucker for RomComs, so when I stumbled upon the movie The List, co-written by Rob Lederer and Steve Vitolo and directed by Melissa Miller Costanzo, I felt relieved to know that my eight-hour-long flight would feel shorter…

However, I was yawning after just twenty minutes; I could predict every upcoming scene. Eventually, my yawning would turn into frustration.

After spending three years debunking the Prince Charming myth I grew up with, I realized there weren’t any alternatives to those cheesy meet-cutes for real romances that could stand the test of time, or at least the first six months of a relationship.

How was I thus supposed to deal with adulthood?

The premise of The List is pretty simple: Abby (Halston Sage) finds herself cheated upon by her fiancé Matt (Jonah Platt) when he has sex with a celebrity from his ‘free pass’ list. To get past the betrayal and go forward with the wedding, Abby sets herself on a quest to have sex with one of the five celebrities on her ‘free pass’ list.

The movie is light-hearted, funny at times, includes some sexy actors, ends with a kiss, and boasts an impressive 92% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. In short, it ticks all the boxes of…



Aurelie B.
Counter Arts

Me? 30 something French woman living in Toronto. Positive, witty & a dash sarcastic. You? Open-minded reader ready to follow me on my adventures through Medium.