Unmasking the Depths of Persona 5

Exploring cognitive distortions, Jungian archetypes, and choice architecture in the award-winning JRPG

Karina Chow
Counter Arts


Illustration of a top hat in front of a swirl labeled “Make a choice”
Image by author (using concept art and a variety of fonts)

Persona 5, a Japanese role-playing video game released in 2016 on the PS4, offers players a captivating experience that intertwines game design, Jungian psychology, and choice architecture. From its exploration of Jungian concepts to its aesthetic choices and innovative menu design, Persona 5 offers players a rich and immersive experience that challenges conventional gaming norms.

Players assume the role of a Japanese high school student who goes on adventures to overthrow authority figures that abuse their power. The game introduces a parallel dimension called the Metaverse, which mirrors our own reality.

In this Metaverse, the desires, essences, and hearts of individuals are manifested as tangible entities. If one changes those manifestations in the Metaverse, it changes the person in our own universe.

Alongside with his fellow teammates, aptly called Phantom Thieves, the protagonist steals corrupt desires and insecurities that have manifested as stealable treasures in the Metaverse. Doing so changes hearts of the corrupt in our universe, helping them see their wrongs, and ensures they will no longer hurt others.



Karina Chow
Counter Arts

🇨🇳 🇩🇪 Creative technologist based in Brooklyn and SF. Writes about technology × design × art × psychology. Previous eng @Patreon, @Honor, @Microsoft