The Watch That Should Cost A Fortune But Somehow Doesn’t: The Christopher Ward C1 Bel Canto

A mind-blowing release by an independent brand which is all about bang-for-buck.

MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts


Credit: Christopher Ward

Real value for money when it comes to watchmaking can be found properly within a single place: independent AND small watch brands. That’s because when things get too big, they tend to get greedy.

So, when it comes to value for money, Christopher Ward is perhaps one of the best options out there for enthusiasts.

Reliable movements, solid construction, killer specs, vintage/modern aesthetics, great prices and directly selling to the costumer are just some of the advantages that Christopher Ward offer as a brand.

But not even their biggest fanboy (which I’m not, by the way) could be able to predict just how fucking bonkers their most recent release would be: the Christopher Ward C1 Bel Canto.

Any proper watch nerd doesn’t need to be paid by CW to admit that this piece is close to being magical. I do not exaggerate when I say this watch is one of my the most exciting and sensational releases I have seen… in years.

Now, in order to explain just how magisterial this work of art is, we have to talk a little bit about Christopher Ward as a…



MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts

Movies. Video Games. Watches. If you are passionate about any of these, I guarantee I’ll piss you off at least once.