This Watch Is Absolutely Ridiculous (And People Will Still Pay Good Money For It)

The Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Concept Tourbillon “Spider-Man” is basically a meme turned into a watch.

MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts


Credit: Audemars Piguet

Anytime I try to convince other people that watch collectors like myself aren’t completely crazy, releases like this one keep me humble and down-to-Earth.

Now, if for some strange reason you’ll feel offended that some random internet dude is about to shit on a major luxury company, I’d recommend you stop reading right now. Because I refuse to show even a smear of kindness to this inhumanity posing as a watch.

Believe it or not Audemars Piguet, one of the most demanded and respected luxury watch brands in the world, unveiled this… “thing” rather recently to the public as their second collaboration with Marvel Studios. Now, in case you are listening to this on the audio tab provided on Medium and are lucky enough to not know yet of this watch’s existence; let me tell you, your suspicions are correct. It’s fucking horrible. It’s vomit-inducing. Roadkill composed of New York sewer rat covered with scabies would be more pleasing to the eye than this abomination.

Look, watch brands do collaborations with other companies all the time. And against all odds, some of them…



MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts

Movies. Video Games. Watches. If you are passionate about any of these, I guarantee I’ll piss you off at least once.