Unsure About The New Christopher Ward C1 Moonphase

Truly a watch like no other in this price range. But is it worth it?

MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts


Credit: Christopher Ward

Christopher Ward as a brand is synonym to “value for money”. Watches like the Bel Canto or The Twelve prove time and time again that they could become THE king of the entry-level price segment when it comes to Swiss watchmaking. After all, CW is all about creativity, artistry, passion and always going the extra mile.

Which is why I’m very surprised to say the new C1 Moonphase hasn’t enamored me as I thought it would.

To understand where this truly amazing watch comes from, we have to look at its predecessor. Christopher Ward had already tried a couple of times on building a watch with an unusual moon phase complication.

For those who don’t know, a moon phase movement is able to track… well, the moon. When properly calibrated, this complication can track every single phase of the moon cycle, indicating if we’re in a new, full, half or quarter moon stage. It typically utilizes a rotating disk that matches the movement of our satellite, just as we would see it from Earth.

Now, let’s be honest here. Unless you are a sailor or your name is Remus Lupin, having a moon phase indication on your watch will probably be as useful as a mattress made of…



MVW Encyclopedia
Counter Arts

Movies. Video Games. Watches. If you are passionate about any of these, I guarantee I’ll piss you off at least once.