Want French Citizenship Without All the Paperwork? Join the French Foreign Legion

Who hasn’t thought about starting a brand new life (with a new name)?

Greyson Ferguson
Counter Arts


Photo by Chris Karidis on Unsplash

Want out of the United States?

Like, immediately?

Immigrating to another country often brings with it all kinds of paperwork. And unless you have cash upfront to buy citizenship by investment, it’s also time-consuming (we’re talking years, if not decades).

So what in the world should you do if you want out this very minute? You could travel to another country and then overstay your visa and hope nobody ever finds you or you have any run-ins with the law.

This is far more difficult than the movies make it out to be. And it’s not like fleeing Germany for Argentina post World War II. They had insiders offering new names and documents. Without your own James Bond Q-level of insider influence, chances are this option won’t work for you.

The reality is, if you want to run to another country and not have to worry about police, immigration, or any other foreign government banging on your door, there’s only one potentially viable option —

— Join the French Foreign Legion.



Greyson Ferguson
Counter Arts

You might hate my first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. Ever dream of moving out of the U.S.? I wrote a book that can help: https://t.ly/OcQYG