What Is Your Favourite Emotion? Why?

Prompt response (Pun intended)

Marc Barham
Counter Arts


‘’The more threads the better.’’ Jack Malcolm.

To perceive is to suffer.”

The prompt is from:

I love prompts. Someone else has thought about a topic that you can then piggy-back upon. But it’s not easy thinking. We take it for granted. But how stupid we are. For thinking is not an automatic action or response. It can be, when faced with a question. But we do not automatically ‘think’. We breathe without consciously ordering our muscles to work in the appropriate way but it does not require concentration or determination as thinking requires. We must place our minds into a state of thinking. By volition and will and desire.

The worst outcomes are when we act before thinking. When we act from emotion. There is always trouble. Good trouble and bad trouble but trouble nonetheless. Emotions are a major problem for humanity. We are unable to control them. But that is the whole point of emotions — to be uncontrolled. If an emotion is curtailed or controlled then it no longer becomes a pure emotion, it then…



Marc Barham
Counter Arts

Column @ timetravelnexus.com on iconic books, TV shows/films: Time Travel Peregrinations. Reviewed all episodes of ‘Dark’ @ site. https://linktr.ee/marcbarham64